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Porophyllum/Kabschia Catalog


Please note

In the alphabetical lists on our website you can find all the known Porophyllum Saxifrages. We just skipped extinct plants and Saxes which are not longer available nowadays.  Please understand, the alphabetical lists are not our sales lists!  Twice a year, in spring and autumn we update our sales lists which are available on request by email.


Which are for sale 

Please understand, we do not make cuttings of every plant in our collection, that's simply not doable. Every year we grow a changing range of Kabschia's from our collection. Some are every year on the sales lists other maybe not, the same with difficult and rare ones.  Of course we try to grow always the popular and rare ones, but although we are rather skilled en experienced the rooting can fail due to divers reasons.


How ordering works

We always work on 'first come first serve base'  and reserving plants which are not on the sales lists for the next season is not possible. Of course reservation of plants for later delivery/shipping in the season is after payment always possible.  Most collectors order just after the new list for shipping later in spring when the weather is better. But we ask you kindly to pay in advantage.  


Open day

Every spring we have one open saturday, when the Porophyllum flower the best.  Of cours this depends on the weather.  When winter is tough it can be late in spring but when mild it's sometimes already in februari.

We always inform you on our opening page about the exact date.  Ofcourse it's also possible to order in advance and p[ick up the plants on the open day. On an open day it's possible that we do not have enough quality time for every visitor.  So if you want to ask a lot you can always make an appointment on a other day.


So please have fun scrolling through the lists

Every alphabetical page will start with the explanation as below


How to read the list

In general....Saxifrages are not sun and summer warmth lovers, so never grow them south facing in the rock garden. Best is some morning and evening sun, with enough shade between 11.00-16.00. Some need a more cool and shady position. But always with enough daylight. The roots may never dry out or stay too wet.  You cannot wring out the soil, but you can water the Saxes when needed. Some need more humus rich soil, and wet staying roots, especially in summer. So in general very well drained poor soil is the best. Saxes do NOT need extra feeding or fertilizers, they get there nutrition out of the sand, grit, stone. 


*When you click on the Binomial or Group name in blue letters you are going to the Binomial or Group list*

*When you click on a photo, the image opens in a larger/seperate window*

* For more Info about naming Saxifraga's please CLICK HERE*


We give you the following abbreviations for the growing conditions;


A= Easy, normal

B= Bit more care, overhead shelter in winter, sheltered position

C= Difficult. Best in alpine-house

D= Very difficult to root


1= Some sun allowed, best in shade between 11.00-16.00, but enough daylight

2= More shady and cool position, but enough daylight, bit early morning and evening sun allowed


WD     = Well drainend poor soil

VWD  = Very well drainend poor soil

MHR  = More humus rich soil, but still well drainend

Tuf     = Best or good to grow in a tuf stone

AH     = Best in Alpine house or outdoors with winter protection (CLICK HERE to Watch)


Bart Moerland          Bilderdijkstraat 129   

   7442VK     Nijverdal     The Netherlands


Visiting the Nursery only by appointment 



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