Saxifrages beginning with B

How to read the catalog

In general....Saxifrages are not sun and summer warmth lovers, so never grow them south facing in the rock garden. Best is some morning and evening sun, with enough shade between 11.00-16.00. Some need a more cool and shady position. But always with enough daylight. The roots may never dry out or stay too wet.  You cannot wring out the soil, but you can water the Saxes when needed. Some need more humus rich soil, and moist staying roots, especially in summer. So in general, very well drained poor soil is the best. Saxes do NOT need extra feeding or fertilizers, they get there nutrition out of the sand, grit, stone. 


*When you click on the Binomial or Group name in blue letters you are going to the Binomial or Group list*

*When you click on a photo, the image opens in a larger/seperate window*

* For more Info about naming Saxifraga's please CLICK HERE*


We give you the following abbreviations for the growing conditions;


A= Easy, normal

B= Bit more care, overhead shelter in winter, sheltered position

C= Difficult. Best in alpine-house

D= Very difficult to root


1= Some sun allowed, best in shade between 11.00-16.00, but enough daylight

2= More shady and cool position, but enough daylight, bit early morning and evening sun allowed


WD     = Well drainend poor soil

VWD  = Very well drainend poor soil

MHR  = More humus rich soil, but still well drainend

Tuf     = Best or good to grow in a tuf stone

AH     = Best in Alpine house or outdoors with winter protection (CLICK HERE to Watch)


Saxifraga  'Babylon'   NCC (Engleria Seedling)



Difficulty= B, 1, VWD

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Color= Red-pink

Saxifraga  'Backhos'   NCY  (columnaris hybrid)



Difficulty= B/C, 1, WD, T, AH

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Color= Pink

Saxifraga  'Balkan'   marginata clone



Difficulty= A, 1, VWD

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Color= White

Saxifraga  'Banshee'   x fallsvillagensis



Difficulty= A/B, 1, VWD, T

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Color= Light-yellow

Saxifraga  'Barbarossa'   NCC  (x anglica seedpot)



Difficulty= B, 2, MHR, T

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Color= Pink

Saxifraga  'Barford'   x poluanglica 


Difficulty= A, 2, MHR, T

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Color= Light-pink

Saxifraga  'Barandov'   x megaseaeflora



Difficulty= A, 1, WD

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Color= Pink

Saxifraga  'Basel'  NCC   (marginata seedling)


Difficulty= A/B, 1, WD, T

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Color= White

Saxifraga  'Baucis'   NCY  (x dinninaris x ferdinandi-cob. Rhodopea)



Difficulty= C, 1 VWD, T, AH

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Color= Orangeish-yellow

Saxifraga  'Beatles'   Beat Group



Difficulty= B/C, 2, MHR, T, AH

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Color= Red-pink

Saxifraga  'Beatrix Havergal'   Blues Group



Difficulty= B, 2, MHR

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Color= Pink

Saxifraga  'Beatrix Stanley'   x anglica



Difficulty= A, 1, MHR

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Color= Pink

Saxifraga  'Becky Foster'   x borisii



Difficulty= B,1, VWD, T, AH

Saxifraga  'Bedrich Smetana'   NCY  (marg.'Intermedia' x marg. v. boryi?)



Difficulty= A, 1, WD

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Color= White

Saxifraga   'Beinn Alligin'   x concinna



Difficulty= B, 1, VWD, T, AH

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Color= Soft-pink

Saxifraga  'Beinn Eighe'   x concinna



Difficulty= B, 1, WD, T, AH

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Color= Pinkish-white

Saxifraga  'Beinn Na Callich'   x concinna



Difficulty= B, 1, VWD, T, AH

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Color= Pink

Saxifraga  'Beinn Resipole'   x concinna



Difficulty= B/C, 1, VWD, T, AH

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Color= Reddish-pink

Saxifraga  'Belladonna'   NCC  (Engleria Seedling)



Difficulty= B,1, VWD, AH

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Color= Red-pink

Saxifraga  'Bellisant'   x hornibrookii



Difficulty= B/C, 2, MHR, WD, T, AH

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Color= Dark-pink

Saxifraga   'Ben Loyal'   x concinna



Difficulty= B, 1, VWD, T, AH

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Color= Pink

Saxifraga  'Benesov'   NCC



Difficulty= A, 1, WD, T

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Color= PInk

Saxifraga  'Benvenuto Cellini'   x hardingii



Difficulty= B, 1, VWD, T

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Color= Yellow

Saxifraga   'Berenika'   x bertolonii



Difficulty= B, 1, VWD

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Color= Pink

Saxifraga  'Berlin'   NCC   (Engleria Seedling)



Difficulty= B, 1, VWD

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Saxifraga  'Berlin Wall'   NCC



Difficulty= A, 1, WD

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Color= Yellow

Saxifraga   'Berounka'   Prominent Group



Difficulty= B/C, 1, VWD, T, AH

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Color= Red (fading)

Saxifraga   'Bertramka'   x megaseaeflora



Difficulti= A/B, 1, VWD

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Color= Yellow

Saxifraga  'Beryl'   x anglica


Difficulty= A, 1, WD, T

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Color= Pink, darker eye

Saxifraga  'Beryl Bland'   Sugestivo Group



Difficulty= B, 1, VWD, T

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Color= Purplish-pink

Saxifraga  'Bettina'   x paulinae



Difficulty= A/B, 1, VWD, T

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Color= Yellow

Saxifraga  'Bhratang Rose'   x bhratangensis




Difficulty= B, 2, MHR, WD, AH

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Color= Light-pink

Saxifraga 'Biegleri'   NCC



Difficulty= A, 1, WD

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Color= Yellow

Saxifraga  'Big Ben'   x kellereri (same as 'Kewensis'?)



Difficulty= A, 1, VWD

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Color= Rose-pink

Saxifraga  'Bizourtouse'    x luteo-purpurea



Difficulty= C, 1, VWD, T, AH

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Color= Yellow

Saxifraga  'Björn Alden'   Clone Sep45



Difficulty= C, 2, MHR, VWD, T, AH

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Color= White

Saxifraga  'Blackthorn'   x dinninaris



Difficulty= B/C, 2, MHR, AH

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Color= Dark-pink

Saxifraga  'Blanik'   NCC   (sempervivum hybrid)




Diddiculty= A, 1, VWD

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Color= Soft-purple

Saxifraga  'Blanka'   x borisii



Difficulty= A, 1, VWD

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Color= White

Saxifraga  'Bodensee'   x hofmannii



Difficulty= B, 1, VWD

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Color= Red-pink

Saxifraga  'Bohdalec'   x megaseaeflora


Difficulty= A, 1, WD, T

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Color= Pink

Saxifraga  'Bohemia'   NCC   ('Dwight Ripley' x 'Lenka')



Difficulty=   B, 1, MHR, T, AH

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Color= Orangeish-red

Saxifraga  'Bohemian Karst'   Prominent Group



Difficulty= B/C/D, 1, MHR, T, AH

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Color= Red fading

Saxifraga  'Bohemian Paradise'   Region Group



Difficulty= B/D, 1, MHR, T, AH

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Color= Darker-pink

Saxifraga  'Bohnice'   x megaseaeflora



Difficulty= A, 1, WD

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Color= Light-pink


Saxifraga   'Bohunka'   NCC  ('Kaspar Maria Sternberg' Seedling)



Difficulty= A, 1, WD

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Color= White

Saxifraga  'Boston Spa'   x elisabethae



Difficulty= A, 1, WD

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Color= Yellow

Saxifraga  'Box Hill'   x concinna



Difficulty= A, 1, WD

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Saxifraga  'Bozi Dar'   Sessile Group



Difficulty= B/C, 2, MHR, VWD, T, AH

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Color= Yellow

Saxifraga  'Brailes'   x poluanglica



Difficulty= A, 2, MHR

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Color= Pink

Saxifraga  'Bránik'   x megaseaeflora



Difficulty= A, 1, WD

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Color= Pink

Saxifraga  'Brenda Prichard'   x anglica



Difficulty= B, 2, MHR, T, AH

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Color= Pink

Saxifraga  'Brian Arundel'   Magnus Group



Difficulty= B, 1, VWD, MHR, AH

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Color= Rosy-white

Saxifraga  'Brian Dowker'   NCY   ('Tysoe Splndour'x ferdinandi-coburgi)



Difficulty= B, 2, MHR, AH

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Color= Yellow

       Saxifraga  'Bridget'   x edithae



       Difficulty= A, 1, WD

       Stock= Please check latest list

       Color= Soft-pink         


       Photo Hans Meulenbelt 

Saxifraga  'Brimstone'   NCY   (lowndesii x aretioides)




Difficulty= C/D, 2, VWD, MHR, T, AH

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Color= Amberish-yellow

Saxifraga   'Brno'   x elisabethae


Difficulty= A, 1, WD

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Color= Yellow

Saxifraga  'Brookside'  Clone burseriana



Difficulty= B, 1, VWD

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Color= White

Saxifraga  'Brotherhood'   NCC  (x anglica Seedling)



Difficulty= B, 2, MHR, T, AH

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Color= Darker Pink

Saxifraga  'Brynn Llywd'    Vanessa Group


Difficulty= A, 1, MHR

Color= Pink

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Saxifraga  'Buccaneer'   NCC   (Engleria seedling)



Difficulty= A, 1, VWD

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Color= Red-Pink


Raiser= B. Moerland

Saxifraga  'Bucholzii'   x fleischeri



Difficulty= B, 1, VWD

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Color= Yellow


Raiser= F. Sundermann

Saxifraga  'Bugy'   NCY   (poluniniana x cinerea)



Difficulty= B, 1, VWD

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Color= Pink


Raiser= J. Bürgel

Saxifraga   'Burgel'   x poluanglica



Difficulty= A, 2, MHR, T

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Color= Pink fading


Namer= B. Moerland (unknown source)

Saxifraga  'Buster'   x hardingii



Difficulty= B/D, 1, VWD, T, AH

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Raiser= V. Finnis

Saxifraga  'Buttercup'    x kayei


Difficulty= A, 1, WD

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Color= Yellow


Raiser= R.V. prichard


Bart Moerland          Bilderdijkstraat 129   

   7442VK     Nijverdal     The Netherlands


Visiting the Nursery only by appointment 



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