How to read the catalog
In general....Saxifrages are not sun and summer warmth lovers, so never grow them south facing in the rock garden. Best is some morning and evening sun, with enough shade between 11.00-16.00. Some need a more cool and shady position. But always with enough daylight. The roots may never dry out or stay too wet. You cannot wring out the soil, but you can water the Saxes when needed. Some need more humus rich soil, and moist staying roots, especially in summer. So in general, very well drained poor soil is the best. Saxes do NOT need extra feeding or fertilizers, they get there nutrition out of the sand, grit, stone.
*When you click on the Binomial or Group name in blue letters you are going to the Binomial or Group list*
*When you click on a photo, the image opens in a larger/seperate window*
* For more Info about naming Saxifraga's please CLICK HERE*
We give you the following abbreviations for the growing conditions;
A= Easy, normal
B= Bit more care, overhead shelter in winter, sheltered position
C= Difficult. Best in alpine-house
D= Very difficult to root
1= Some sun allowed, best in shade between 11.00-16.00, but enough daylight
2= More shady and cool position, but enough daylight, bit early morning and evening sun allowed
WD = Well drainend poor soil
VWD = Very well drainend poor soil
MHR = More humus rich soil, but still well drainend
Tuf = Best or good to grow in a tuf stone
AH = Best in Alpine house or outdoors with winter protection (CLICK HERE to Watch)
Saxifraga 'Icicle' x elisabethae
Difficulty= A/B, 1, WD
Stock= Please check latest list
Color= White
Raiser= H.L. Foster
Saxifraga 'Idlecote' x poluanglica
Difficulty= A, 1/2, MHR/T
Stock= Please check latest list
Color= Pink
Raiser= D. Walkey & B. Dowker
Saxifraga 'Ignaz Dorfler' x doerfleri
Difficulty= B/C/D, 1, VWD/AH
Stock= Please check latest list
Color= Reddish-pink
Raiser= F. Sumdermann
Saxifraga 'Ignorance' NCC (Extinct?)
Difficulty= A/B, 1, WD/T
Stock= Please check latest list
Color= White
Raiser= B,Moerland
Saxifraga 'Intensia' Clone sempervivum
Difficulty= A/D, 1, VWD
Stock= Please check latest list
Color= Red-pink
saxifraga 'Iphicrates' NCC
Difficulty= A/B, 1, VWD/T
Stock= Please check latest list
Color= Yellow
Raiser= B. Moerland
Saxifraga 'Intruder' NCC
Difficulty= B, 2, MHR/T
Stock= Please check latest list
Color= Cerise-pink
Raiser= B. Moerland
Saxifraga 'Irena' NCC
Difficulty= B/C, 2, MHR/T/AH
Stock= Please check latest list
Color= White
Raiser= J. Halda
Saxifraga 'Irene Bacci' x bacci
Difficulty= A/B, 1/2, MHR/T
Stock= Please check latest list
Color= Pink
Raiser= S. Bacci & A. Young
Saxifraga 'Iris Prichard' x hardingii
Difficulty= B/D, 1, VWD
Stock= Please check latest list
Color= Pinkish-yellow fading
Raiser= R.V. Prichard
Saxifraga 'Isaac Newton' NCY ('Amberglow'Seedling)
Difficulty= C/D, 2, MHR/T/AH
Stock= Not in our collection anymore
Color= Orangeish
Raiser= I. Spencer & P. Pechoux
Saxifraga 'Isis' NCC ('Allendale' Seed)
Difficulty= B, 2, MHR/AH
Stock= Please check latest list
Color= Pink
Raiser= B. Moerland
Saxifraga 'Isobel Young' NCY ('Riverslea' x 'Grace Farwell')
Difficulty= C/D, B, 2, MHT/AH
Stock= Please check latest list
Color= Cerise=pink
Raiser= A. Young
Saxifraga 'Isolde' Clone stribrnyi
Difficulty= A/D, 1, VWD/AH
Stock= Not in our collection anymore
Color= Red
Raiser= F. Sumdermann
Saxifraga 'Ivan Papanin' Investigative Group
Difficulty= A, 1, WD
Stock= Please check latest list
Raiser= K. Lang
saxifraga 'Ivan Urumov' x urumoffii
Difficulty= B/D, A, VWD/AH
Stock= Please check latest list
Color= Yellow
Raiser= F. Sundermann
Saxifraga 'Ivana' x caroliquarti
Difficulty= B, 2, MHR/T/AH
Stock= Please check latetst list
Color= Rosy-pink
Raiser= K.Lang